
We are an international academy for:

  • Auditing, preparation and implementation of certifications for new quality management systems (QMS) according to DIN ISO 9001 and other DIN ISO standards,
  • for hospitals and service companies,
  • Including auditing, documentation, training and on-site support
  • Specialization: Doha I Qatar ▪ Germany ▪ Europe

AQC accompanies your company to a quality certificate with German systematics and sustainability!

Scientific Advisory Board

Management and the competence of the scientific advisory board

AQC management with Professor Meier, member of the scientific advisory board, in front of the university hospital Charité Berlin

Office in Berlin

  • Base of Training Programmes
  • Base of Auditors,
  • Office with employees and base of external specialists,
  • Teams of specialists from German medicine professors, doctors, engineers, auditors and certifiers

Sales and services

  • Specialisation for Doha (Qatar), Muscat (Oman) and Germany
  • Seminars, diploma-training, consulting, auditing, certification, industrial engineering
  • Fields in medical institutions and hospitals, service companies, industry

Scientific Advisory Board

  • Cooperation with specialists and medical teams from the University hospitals of the Charité Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt and Munich
  • Setting up several competence teams for training and auditing on site
  • Coordinated and organized support for AQC employees

Internationally connected

Of course, it is the diversity of contacts and scientific networks of the individual researchers that represents the global profile of the AFQ. In addition, the AFQ systematically promotes international networking at the institutional level through strategic partnerships, institutional networks, research collaborations and clinical partnerships in Hamburg Munich and Frankfurt.


  • DGQ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität (German Association for Quality)
  • VAZ Verband akkreditierter Zertifizierungsgesellschaften (association accredited certification)
  • DKG Deutsche Krankenhausgesellschaft (German Hospital Federation)
  • VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (Association of German Engineers)